ESLHO Symposium
Every year in November, ESLHO organizes a scientific symposium. During this event, speakers from all over the world share their knowledge and talk about the latest results from research projects related to laboratory diagnostics for lymphoid malignancies.

An 'open' symposium is organized every two to three years. These symposia always focus on a hot topic in the field and are open to anyone interested to participate. In addition to the high level of the scientific lectures, the emphasis at the symposium is also on a stimulating poster session and facilitating contact between the participants to exchange ideas and build valuable relationships.

Recent open symposia have addressed topics such as MRD, IVDR and monitoring of immunotherapies.
Other years, the symposium focuses on new developments in the ESLHO networks and is only accessible for participants of the ESLHO consortia EuroClonality, EuroMRD and EuroFlow.
Our mission is to optimize diagnostic patient care through innovation, standardization, quality assessment and education. By bringing together scientists, laboratory professionals and clinicians, we hope to create an inspiring environment that drives education, innovation and international collaboration.

The ESLHO consortia are a Specialized Working Group of the European Hematology Association.