‘Winning the poster prize is really something special’
December 19, 2023
Just as last year, Julia Böck from the University of Würzburg presented a poster at ESLHO symposium which took place last month in Salamanca, Spain. Last year she won the Special Poster Prize awarded by ESLHO. The winner is chosen after they have the opportunity to present and discuss their work to the public during a prolonged poster session at lunchtime. “I was positively surprised to win the prize last year. During the session I already received a lot of positive feedback which also led to interesting discussions. This was very helpful. When you are working on such a study, ours was about NGS panels for T-Cell diagnosis, one looks at it in a certain way. Those new insights made us rethink the way we group the data. That was very helpful.
For me the major honour came from the fact that the winner was chosen by the public, which is very knowledgeable at the ESLHO Symposium. This made it extra special to me. Being part of EuroClonality has brought so many new insights. The group is relatively small and it feels very familiar. This makes meeting the people and talking about different issues really easy. For example, discussing the results of the EQA is especially interesting to me. I personally don’t do the testing so often, and these sessions make things much clearer to me. Every time I come I learn something new.”